“In-game text” may sound boring, but it’s a hugely influential tool. Not only is it ubiquitous in everything from puzzle games to action-RPGs, good in-game text does three things: conveys information, establishes a game’s tone, and does this with the most exciting language possible.

Written Communications

Game: Weird West

Written communications—emails, journal entries, letters, telegram transcripts, etc.—are a great tool to allow the player to explore story and character at their own pace.

You have limited player attention, so you must use it quickly. We must be short, to the point, and use maximum linguistic flavor to convey as much of the character’s personality as possible.

Items Names & Descriptions

Game: Weird West

Good item names and descriptions are all about economy. How much evocative language can you pack into the least amount of space while still giving the player the information they need?

